Posts by Janet Ann Collins
I have a very extended family. When we first got married my husband gave up trying to remember second cousins, cousins once and twice removed, cousins-in-law, etc., etc. and called them all my ‘step-neighbors-in-law.” While most of my relatives are from European ancestry like me, I also have step-neighbors-in-law who are African-American, Japanese, Latino, and…
Read MoreChildren of the World
In Sunday School most kids learn the song about how Jesus loves all the little children of the world. The lyrics help to teach kids not to be prejudiced against others because of their race. But part of the song, while well meaning, is inaccurate. Humans are not really red, yellow, black and white. Native…
Read MorePlaying
When I was a kid, way back in the 1940s and ‘50s, Kids could just go out and play. We weren’t allowed to leave our neighborhood without permission from parents, but no adults watched us while we played. We were free to use our imaginations and spent most of our time doing that. The boys…
Read MoreMy Ignorance
I grew up in a semi-rural county in the San Francisco Bay Area, Everyone in our small town was white except for one Chinese family whose daughter was my friend in school. I assumed most other Chinese people lived in the San Francisco Chinatown because they wanted to be with other people like themselves. And…
Read MoreProblem
I’m having technical problems and can’t access any of my e-mail accounts. None of ny passwords will work. Hope I can get those problems solved and be back on the internet soon.
Read MoreMaking a Difference
I wonder who took the video of that police officer kneeling on Mr. Floyd’s neck. Whoever it was, he couldn’t have known what a huge difference it would make. Of course he probably intended to share it on the internet and hoped it would get that officer in trouble, but he couldn’t have guessed it…
Read MorePrejudice
Prejudice is assuming all members of a group are the same. A negative prejudice about a group of humans is bigotry. For early humans, prejudice was a survival instinct. For example, if someone ate a poisonous fungus and died, others would avoid all funguses. They would miss out on delicious mushrooms, but the prejudice against…
Read MoreWorst Disaster
Years ago I got in a discussion with an online group about the worst natural disaster. Strangely, everyone preferred the disasters they experienced themselves. People who lived where there are hurricanes said they knew when those were coming and could shelter from them. People who lived where there are tornadoes said those are rare and…
Read MorePolitics
One (maybe the only) advantage to the Corona virus epidemic is it has provided something other that presidential election politics to talk about. But politics are everywhere. One definition of the word, politics, is “a conflict between people or groups trying to achieve power.” I know some people who have stopped attending any church because…
Read MoreTrickle Down Experiment
Years ago some people talked about trickle down economy, meaning if the big businesses got more money some of that would trickle down to help everyone else. With the current economic problems and talk about government help to big corporations we’re dealing with the same concept. Here’s an idea for an experiment to see if…
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