Christmas Wedding

I can’t remember where I saw this information, but it goes with my previous controversial posts about Christmas. Back when Jesus was born, young people usually lived with their parents until they got married. There were no official wedding ceremonies where couples exchanged vows. Instead, they would have a big banquet party to announce that…

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Another Christmas Inaccuracy

I’ve always wondered where people got the ideas that angels were ladies in white dresses who sat on clouds and played harps, and Cherubs were baby angels. Centuries ago people had no idea of the size of the Universe, and clouds wereconsidered part of the sky. White was considered a symbol of purity and harps…

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Another Christmas Inaccuracy

Christmas cards and picture books usually show a stable as a small building in a meadow or field and the manger as a box like a bassinet with the infant Jesus lying in it. But that is completely wrong. The manger was a feeding trough, big enough for Mary to lie in while giving birth.…

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Lots of Christmas cards and illustrations show three kings, each carrying a gift, going to Bethlehem or arriving at the stable where Jesus was born. But those pictures are not accurate. In the first place, those men were not kings. I guess during the Middle Ages it was assumed if they had such expensive gifts…

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