
(This is not a political statement advocating abortions. Instead, it’s a heads up about what could happen if abortions become illegal.) Back in the 1950s and early ‘60s abortions were illegal and most people agreed that they were wrong. Only desperate women would have them. I knew of someone planning to flee from an abusive…

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Back in the 1940s there was an epidemic of polio.My father caught it and was sent to the Shriners Hospital for Women and Children in San Francisco. That was the only place the disease was treated because polio was called Infantile Paralysis.I was mildly sick for a day or two while he was in the…

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Then and Now

In spite of all the problems in our world today, there’s one thing we can be grateful for: modern technology. Yes, a lot of problems come with it, but just imagine being back in the early 1900s. They had telephones, but you had to go through an operator to make a call and it cost…

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