Posts by Janet Ann Collins
A few days ago I mentioned my experience as a child with newly invented plastic. Today plastics and other synthetics have taken over the world, at least in developed countries. Just imagine what would happen if they were all to suddenly disappear. People would be walking around naked, or with transparent clothes.Car seats and other…
Read MorePlastic
It was a bright red-orange toy canoe about ten inches long for me to play with in the bathtub. The canoe was made of a new substance called plastic that had been developed during World War II, which had recently ended. Whenever my parents had company over, Daddy had me bring out the canoe to…
Read MoreOur Time
There have been times in history when major epidemics happened, like the Spanish Influenza, Polio and Smallpox.There have been racial riots before.There have been nasty politics and major economic problems in the past.There have been fires, hurricanes, and other natural disasters.Thousands of people have lost jobs, and businesses have become bankrupt in previous times.But there…
Read MoreMasks
Back in the day of cowboy stories the villains covered the lower part of their faces with kerchiefs and nobody could recognize them. But when I see people I know with kerchiefs covering half their faces I easily recognize them. And the modern masks covering noses and mouths are even less likely to hide people’s…
Read MoreCrown of Thorns
Son of Mary is Book 1 in the Crown of Thorns series by R. S. Ingermanson. It’s about one of the most creative concepts I’ve ever heard of: what if, instead of thousands of years ago, the Incarnation happened in modern Palestine? Even though I knew the basic plot, this book was so exciting I…
Read MoreDifferent Like Me
Different Like Me by Xochitl Dixon is a wonderful book to teach kids to accept – and enjoy – others who are different than themselves. The illustrations are lovely and show the story in an entertaining way. Information at the back will help parents and educators. The Christian content is inspiring. I love this book!
Read MoreI’m Back!
It is such a relief to be able to blog again! I’ve been thinking about masks, for obvious reasons. Back when I was a kid there were stories about bandits who covered the lower parts of their faces with bandanas so they couldn’t be identified. But now I see people with that part of their…
Read MoreThe Worst Job I Ever Had
Years ago I was hired to teach first grade at a private school in the San Francisco Bay Area. (I won’t be more specific.) The principal who hired me in June told me she was leaving, and there would be a new principal when the next school year began. The week before school would start…
Read MoreHistory
During theSpanish Influenza epidemic more than 100 years ago my father was sent away from the city to stay with his grandparents in the Appalachian Mountains. At the end of the school year when he was able to return he was given the kerosene lantern from the bedside table he’d used and the hand-held school…
Read MoreFourth of July Appreciation
Where I live, in the Sierra foothills of California, the Fourth of July has always been a big deal. Grass Valley and Nevada City alternate between having the parade, which includes music, floats, lots of groups marching, etc. and reaches for blocks.The Nevada County Fairgrounds has a lot going on all day and a spectacular…
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