Blogging About Blogging

Long ago, in what almost seems like ancient history to me, computers and the internet were becoming popular.
Someone - I have no idea who - got the idea that people could share what was going on in their lives or businesses by keeping a log on the World Wide Web. 
The term, web log, soon got shortened to blog.
And World Wide Web became www.
I doubt that many people in the younger generation even know what those terms originally were.
I can’t even remember when I started blogging, but it was at least 20 years ago - or maybe 30.
I posted things faithfully twice a week until my blog with suddenly disappeared. I finally figured out it was because I’d cancelled the credit card associated with that account, but was never able to contact anyone to change it. However I found out I could blog on my own website, and have been posting things there for a while. 
I also share my blog posts on Facebook.
Do you blog?  
If you do, how long have you been doing it?
Posted in

Janet Ann Collins